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“York” Side Chair
Second Floor - Entrance Hall
Furniture and Hard Furnishings
Coastal Connecticut, 1775-1810. Maple, tulip poplar, ash, rush seat; 40 ½" h. x 19 ¾" w. x 15 ¾" d.

The turned side chair, known in the period as a York chair, has a yokeshaped crest above elongated baluster turnings with complex ball,
ring, and baluster turnings above and below. The solid tulip poplar splat
is tenoned into a stay rail above a rush seat; turned and tapered front
legs have small columnar turnings at the top and offset-turned pad feet,
the proper left of which has partially split off. Front turning has
opposing balusters and reel in the center. Ash double side stretchers
and a single rear stretcher secure the legs.
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