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Hand-colored Memorial Print for Joseph and Sarah Mather
Second Floor - SE Bedroom
Other Decorative Arts
D.W. Kellogg and Co., Hartford, Connecticut, dated 1843. Lithograph on paper, watercolor, ink
12 ⅜" h. x 15" w. (sight), 17" h. x 22 ¼" w. (frame)

A large funeral urn in the center with a green willow tree in the rear
ground, a grieving woman in black gown at the right. Multicolored
painted flowers and foreground. In ink LC: Joseph Mather who died / Feb 29th 1840 / Aged 86 years 7 months / And of / Sarah Mather his wife / who died Aug 27th 1840 / Aged 85 years 6 months. Front of memorial pedestal printed: TO THE / MEMORY / OF
Condition note: Matte that should be replaced by acid-free matte.
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