Artwork by Elizabeth Agresta.
In 2023, The Mather Homestead Foundation hired Heritage Landscapes to conduct a Cultural Landscape Report of the property. The report provides a better understanding of the property, its history and usage, and informs a Master Plan for the future which will provide for a better visitor experience and enable the property to better tell the stories of the six generations of Mathers. More to come soon as we unveil the exciting plan!
At the end of 2021, the McPherson family (Mather descendants) gifted an additional five acres of land, ensuring the preservation of the beautiful meadow bordering the North side of the Homestead property. This land is now owned and cared for by the Mather Homestead Foundation (1.1 acres) and the Darien Land Trust (3.8 acres). This generous contribution further enhances the beautiful "four corners" of Darien, which already included the 10-acre "Mather Meadows" on the Southern corners, acquired but the Land Trust in 2003, and the Mather Homestead six-acre property on the Northwest corner, donated by the McPherson family to the Mather Homestead Foundation in 2017. In total, these four corners now include 21 acres of property to be preserved in perpetuity.
The Mather-McPherson family has seeded a fund which will enable us to execute our Master Plan. Please consider a gift to help us plant and beautify the property! Our goal is to create a park like setting to be enjoyed by the community.
In 2021, we removed several mature trees, including the huge holly trees ( 1 1/2 times the height of the house!) which obscured the North side of the Mather Homestead and "Big Ben," a dangerously large evergreen on the which threatened the East side of the house. We then replanted these gardens. In addition, we added plants behind the barn to obscure the electric box, propane tank and AC units. We selected non-invasive plants, many of which are already represented in the Mather Homestead gardens as planted by Bertha Mather. Thank you to the donors who helped us to bring this project to life!
Thank you to our donors!
Amy and John Cholnoky
Meredith and Banks Edwards
Betsy and Bill Jones
Brandi and Anthony Maniscalco
Jane and Bill Nickerson
Heather and Todd Raker
Michelle and Rich Riley
Tiffany and Brian Van Elslander
Cathy and Bill Wappler


Thank you Bartlett Tree Experts for caring for our trees!