In his 1926 Annual Report to the Secretary of the Interior, Stephen Mather includes photos of the Prince of Sweden at Yellowstone and the royal couple at Mesa Verde National Parks. Gustav VI Adolf was the Crown Prince of Sweden for 43 years (1907-1950) before becoming king. In 1926, he and his wife, Lady Louise Montbatten visited the United States as part of an international trip to benefit Swedish interests.
In the Stephen Mather archives at the Bancroft Library is a card from Nils De Rudebeck, Master of the Household to H.R.H. The Crown Prince of Sweden. The full handwritten text is:
My dear Mr. Mather, Their Royal Highnesses very much want to see you and ask if can come out to Mr. Crocker, New Place, Burlingame at 6:30 this afternoon. I and my wife would very much like to meet you but I do not know how and when as we will not be at Burlingame. I have
been unable to get you on the telephone. Thanking you for what you have kindly done for us. Sincerely yours, Nils De Rudebeck 2/8/1926
And Mr. Crocker? That was William Crocker, son of one of the noted California railroad barons. William Crocker was president of the Crocker Bank. According to the San Mateo County Historical Association Database: “William H. Crocker's "New Place" in Burlingame, as he called his 500-acre estate, was built…after the 1906 Earthquake…Many notable people were entertained at New Place. A Japanese diplomatic mission, the Prince and Princess of Sweden, Winston Churchill, and assorted politicians and actors were among the guests at various times.”
Was Stephen able to accept the Highnesses’ invitation? That bit of history remains unanswered.
