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Writer's pictureMather Homestead Foundation

Three “aunties” or two? A secondlook at the first Homestead photo.

Taken about 1879, this photograph of three women on the front porch is the oldest Homestead photograph we have.


But who are they? On the back of the original photograph, in Bertha’s handwriting  is the following: 

 Mather Homestead-oldest photo.  Left to right – daughters of Deacon             Jos. Mather – Phebe Mather, Rana Mather, Betsy Lockwood.


But, in a note affixed to a copy of the photo, again in Bertha’s handwriting, is:

The Mather Homestead 1879.  Left to right: Ann Elizabeth Lockwood niece of the aunties and daughter of their sister Betsy Lockwood.  Aged 57.  Aunt Rana Mather aged 96.  Aunt Phoebe Mather aged 81.


So, is it Betsy or Ann Elizabeth in the photo?  Why did Phebe move from left to right?  Or could that be Betsy on the right?


In 1879, Rana would have been 96, Phebe 81, Betsy 85, and Ann Elizabeth 57.


Although the identities may never be resolved, we do know that in 1879, the Home-stead was treasured and capably tended to by four exceptional Mather women. 



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